Saturday, November 09, 2002

My wife and I were watching one of those Henry Fonda narrated XY Factor episodes on the History channel last night; it was focusing on the effect WWI had on American sexual mores. My point isn't about sex actually; it's more about WWI: the show ran some footage of what appeared to be thousands of extremely patriotic flag waving Americans. This image kind of creeped me out. When you see that many American flags gathered togther you'd better be scared. I'm reminded of the anti-German immigrant sentiment from that time (watch the James Dean movie based on Steinbeck's "East of Eden" to see a good portrayal) and the west coast Japanese-American internment camps in WWII (ummm...I think there's a Bionic Woman episode dealing with that...). Anyway, the obvious point here is that things haven't changed really at all in 100 or 50 years. Kill them crazy A-Rabs! Lock up the rag heads! I hope every body remembers exactly what our culture is capable of when it gets wrapped up in a patriotic frenzy when this bullshit "war on terror" finally plays itself out (in fifty years maybe?). Probably not. After all, we're the good guys, right? Right? Right? RIGHT? That's what my high school history book told me, anyway.

Hey kids! These pictures are now plastered all over mainstream news sources but here's the URL for the guy that got 'em first, good old, freaky Art Bell:
This is how we hold the terrorists. Something just doesn't seem quite right...