Friday, December 27, 2002


Pravda Means Truth

The FCC has for some years now been little more than a lobbying agency on the government payroll for gigantic mega-media corporations. It seems to be getting worse:

"This country's airwaves belong to the American people, and the FCC is supposed to manage them in the public interest. Unfortunately, the current FCC leadership seems hostile to this very concept. Asked to explain his understanding of the public interest, Chairman Powell once replied that he had "no idea" what it meant."

Read about it at the FAIR website.


That Damned Constitution Is Ruining All Our Fun...

Did you know that the CIA is farming out interrogations of its less cooperative Al-Queda suspects to countries that have no legal prohibitions against torture? I guess I should be happy that the CIA seems to no longer be in the torture business itself (or is it?), but this is still pretty creepy. Listen to the streaming audio at the NPR website.


Touched By an, wait, I mean Touched By Madness

My first thoughts about the weirdo UFO cult that claims to have cloned a human being is that UFO cultists are crazy. Then I remembered Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell.

News of the Raelians and their bizarro cloning experiments.
