Monday, March 10, 2003


After the terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001, I waffled for about a week on whether to support US military action in Afghanistan. Then I read this Howard Zinn essay. That's the moment when I became a pacifist.

War is immoral.

War is fought by regular people against regular people for the benefit of a wealthy elite who are barely even inconvenienced by it all. The rich get richer; the people pay the price. As long as war is waged to fatten the pockets of the wealthy (as has almost always been the case), there can be no such thing as a "just" war. All the pro-war political rhetoric is just bullshit designed to rouse the population to do what an informed, rational person would think insane: kill innocent human beings for the profit of our masters.

Still don't buy it? Read this email sent to Tom Tommorow from the proud father of a US marine who has shipped off to kill Iraqis in order to enrich the American wealthy elite. Sounds like he's proud of his son but not proud of what he's been ordered to do...


Unfortunately, the direct link to the above mentioned email isn't working at the moment, so if you want to read it, just go to Tom Tommorow's page and scroll down to the post for 1:28 PM, March 10.
