Monday, April 21, 2003


My buddy, Kevin, writes:

Celebrate Eostre Instead!

Easter is just another pagan/ancient holiday that christianity leeched onto because the proponents of christianity in the west realized that they would never be able to convince western peoples of the validity of their god unless they tacked him onto already held beliefs. Eostre has been celebrated for millennia (especially by the matriarchal religions who worship mother earth over father sky) as the time of year when the earth/mankind/animalkind/*/*/* is reborn. Although there are many names of the goddess who is worshipped at the vernal equinox, they all mostly have to do with birth/rebirth/creation (an exclusively female power hence the modern usage in words like "estrogen"). Beyond attaching christ to this already holy day, the entire christ myth is one that has been repeated over and over again throughout time. King/priests have been sacrificed for the rebirth of the community since before oral histories started being written down. Usually (not always) the king's replacement was thought to be a reborn form of the king but with all the vim and vigor he had in his youth restored. Even the cultures who did not think that the king was reborn still held that he died so that the rest of them could have life.

I've attached a text which makes many connections between jesus and other "godmen."

And I have the link to that text. It's pretty interesting reading, especially if you're into mythology.
