Thursday, May 01, 2003


Hundreds of thousands of workers and protesters took part in largely peaceful May Day rallies around the world, though scuffles were reported and some demonstrations on the public holiday included criticism of the U.S.-led war on Iraq.

Can you believe it? This sort of thing happens every year!!! America is seemingly the only country in the world where the concept of economic class is not understood in any meaningful way. Most American workers spend Labor Day grilling meat (if they can afford it) and hanging out. Not that I have a problem with grilling meat and hanging out. But what the hell is our deal? Why aren't the millions of Americans who are deeply in debt, overworked, afraid of losing their crappy jobs, without health insurance, and without retirement benefits raging like the Hulk? Are cable television and video games really that anesthetizing?

The more I think I've got it figured out, the more questions I have...
