Saturday, May 31, 2003

blarg? blort? brap?

My old friend, S. Hunter, has some questions for me about my blogging:

Okay, explain this to me if you would. Are these essays of yours? Is this a page on a larger site? (I presume so...) Do you really stay up that late? How did you get hip to this and how many of the Waynetouched are involved?

Fascinating, though.


Much of the writing here is, of course, my own. Much of it, however, usually italicized, consists of quotes and passages from other people's writings. Generally I try to give a bit of a tease from whatever article I'm posting in order to get people to follow the link and read the whole story. Typically, the regular font represents my own voice and thoughts. So the basic formula here (that I pretty much ripped off from the Eschaton and This Modern World blogs) is some sort of headline that I either cut and paste from somewhere else or make up on my own, a tease from an article or essay, then a comment or two from me, then a link to the article, then the dollar signs. Every week or two, I tend to post a longer essay that's mostly my own stuff. Lately, I've been hybridizing the approaches to a small extent.

Some of the music, by the way, is mine, and some is not.


Real Art is part of Blogger and you can go there by following the link posted in the upper right corner of this page. But this blog and its archives are really pretty much on their own, as far as I can tell. Maybe I'll get my own domain some day, but not today. Or for a while.


Sometimes, weekends mostly, I am up very late. It's my way. I probably stay up later on week nights than most people who get up at six in the morning because I tend to take afternoon naps after my hectic days of teaching America's young. So, yes, I really am up that late.


How did I get hip to this? A cool student I had this past year, Lance, noticed that I was reading a blog on my computer at school and we started talking. He showed me his blog and I was impressed; I told him I'd like to blog myself, someday and he immediately set me up on Blogger. The next thing I knew, I was ranting and raving in cyberspace. For free.


Waynetouched? I'll have to write about the enigmatic Wayne (dis)organization here on Real Art someday for everybody who doesn't know the truth about Wayne (although I will tell you now that my official Wayne title is "Supreme Advocate, Judge of Everything"). But I will say this: two of the waynetouched have already made statements on this blog, Kevin (a.k.a. "FATNOISE"), and Brian (you'll have to scroll down to my May 18th post to read his). Rick may know, but I'm not sure. Lex also reads it sometimes.

But, by all means, S. Hunter, spread the word to Wayne.


Thanks for the vote of "fascinating."

(S. Hunter is an even bigger Star Trek fan than I am--"fascinating" is quite the compliment.)
