Friday, June 13, 2003

GOP: No need for further probe of Iraqi arms claims

Click here.

Republican leaders dismissed calls by Democrats for a full-blown congressional investigation into whether the Bush administration exaggerated prewar evidence of Iraqi weapons programs, while promising Wednesday to explore the matter thoroughly in routine hearings.

In closed routine hearings, that is. If this was a hearing about Clinton instead of Bush, and the MacGuffin was a semen stained blue dress instead of the non-existent WMDs, all of Washington would be in circus mode.

Sex is bad; violence is good...

Here's something from the above linked Houston Chronicle article that's even more depressing:

But a couple of recent polls show that, at least to this point, the public doesn't care too much if the weapons are found:

· A CNN/Gallup/USA Today poll released last week found that 56 percent of Americans said that deposing Saddam was justified even if proof of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction are never found.

· A Fox News Poll released Monday said 69 percent of people would still believe the war was the right decision even if such weapons are never uncovered.

As my very conservative older brother once said in disgust about Clinton, I now say in disgust about Bush, "God, the guy could shoot heroin on prime time TV and get away with it!"

Thanks to Eschaton for the Boston Globe link.
