Monday, August 11, 2003

Back to Hell

I start four days of mind-numbing in-service work tomorrow at the high school where I teach. First, there will be what amounts to a district wide three hour pep rally for our decidedly authoritarian brand of "education," complete with cheering and clapping, cheap business seminar styled videos scored with crappy inspirational pop music of teachers in the act of indoctrinating children, displays of numbers and statistics that show us how "accountable" we have been, and lots of other crap, including a Christian prayer that always makes me nervous and uncomfortable.


Later, I will try to stay awake during meetings, meetings, meetings--I will probably be the only one who realizes how futile it all is. Thank god, this is my last year. The mayhem of students next week will be a relief compared to the "professional" side of the business of "education."

I'm so sick of this silly dance. I'm soooooooo burned out...

Anyway, expect my furious pace of summer blogging to slow down somewhat for a while. I'm going to try to post everyday, but my commentary may not be as insightful or lengthy as it has been for the last couple of months. Or maybe it will. I guess I'm just saying that I'm going to be more busy than I have been, so here's a disclaimer.

Maybe I'll try to write more tales from the trenches of the indoctrinational system that we call "school:" something like "A LEFTIST SUBVERSIVELY SURVIVES CONTEMPORARY CONCENTRATION CAMPS" or some such....


Time for bed. It's a school night.
