Wednesday, September 24, 2003

US plans to send special force to protect Iraq's oil

From Reuters via the Houston Chronicle:

The Bush administration plans to create a special force to protect Iraq's oil industry and to deploy a rapid-reaction team to repair pipelines after terrorist attacks.

The administration, according to documents obtained by Reuters today, also plans to provide "continuous personal security" to Iraq's minister of oil and his director-generals.

The administration said providing personal security to oil officials -- at an estimated the cost at $8 million -- was a "critical requirement," noting that "the life of one of the director-generals was threatened as recently as late August."

But...I thought the war wasn't about oil. I thought it was about getting all those weapons of mass destruction. I mean, stopping those "programs to create" weapons of mass destruction. I mean, deposing that awful dictator Saddam Hussein and freeing the Iraqi people so they could praise our humanitarian intervention.

Boy, foreign affairs really confuse me.

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