Monday, September 01, 2003


The Houston Chronicle's Clay Robison shares his reservations about the new enforced patriotism:

The new law requires students to be excused from reciting either pledge if their parents object in writing. Although that provision is appropriate, it may be difficult to comply with, particularly in large schools.

Everyone has the right to refuse to say the pledge to either the American or the Texas flag. But I have a lot of trouble figuring out why any American citizen would refuse to pledge to our national flag or forbid his or her children to do so. It is a simple, unpretentious demonstration of patriotism and a civics lesson or reminder for young and old alike.

But the new requirement of pledging the Texas flag, although harmless, is less a demonstration of patriotism than an unnecessary exercise in Texas chauvinism -- on the part of the Legislature, not the kids.

Actually, I would say that "arrogance" is a better word than "chauvinism;" this is the Texas Legislature we're talking about here after all. Click here.
