Thursday, January 22, 2004

The New Educational Eugenics in
George Bush's State of the Union

From Greg Palast's weblog:

Once the kids are stamped and sorted, the parents of the marked children ask for you to fulfill your tantalizing promise, to "make sure they have better options when schools are not performing."

But there is no "better option," is there, Mr. Bush? Where's the money for the better schools to take in the kids getting crushed in cash-poor districts? Where's the open door to the suburban campuses with the big green lawns for the dark kids with the test-score mark of Cain?

And if I bring up the race of the kids with the low score, don't get all snippy with me, telling me your program is color blind. We know the color of the kids left behind; and it's not the color of the kids you went to school with at Philips Andover Academy.

You know and I know the testing is a con. There is no "better option" at the other end. The cash went to eliminate the inheritance tax, that special program to give every millionaire's son another million.

Of course, I believe that the entire school system is far more indoctrinational than it is educational, but Palast is right when he says the best shot at learning is in the suburbs: generally, the exemplary schools are closed to those who need them the most.

Click here for the rest.
