Sunday, January 18, 2004

Rupert Murdoch and My Sister

My buddy Kevin told me last night of a very frustrating conversation about the Bush administration and the Iraq war that he recently had with his pro-President aunt. I was reminded of similar moments I've had with my own family over the past year. How do you get the people you care about the most to understand the awful truth?

Later, in nice little coincidence, I ran across this commiserative article from Counterpunch:

I mentioned Saddam Hussein had actually once been an ally of the United States and that this had been back in the days when Ronald Reagan was president. This fact she had never heard of. I pressed harder on the issue.

"You remember when Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons against the Kurds?"

Yes, she remembered this.

"Where do you think he got his chemical weapons?" I asked.

She didn't know. When I told her it was from the United States it was almost as if a wall went up immediately between us. This was so contrary to-and so alien from-everything she had been told that I could see she simply wasn't buying it or accepting it.

Same planet, different universe. However, it is nice to know that I'm not the only one dealing with a Jedi mind controlled family. Click here for more.
