Monday, April 19, 2004

9/11 panel finding threat more evident than thought

From the NY Times via the Houston Chronicle:

For most Americans, the disbelief was the same. The attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, seemed to come in a stunning burst from nowhere. But now, after three weeks of extraordinary public hearings and a dozen detailed reports, the lengthy record makes clear that predictions of an attack by al-Qaida had been communicated directly to the highest levels of the government.

The threat reports were more clear, urgent and persistent than was known. Some focused on al-Qaida's plans to use commercial aircraft as weapons. Others stated that Osama bin Laden was intent on striking on U.S. soil. Many were passed to the Federal Aviation Administration.

While some of the intelligence went back years, other warnings -- including one that al-Qaida seemed interested in hijacking a plane inside this country -- had been delivered to the president on Aug. 6, 2001.

The new information produced by the commission has led six of its 10 members to say or suggest the attacks could have been prevented, though there is no consensus on when, how or by whom. The commission's chairman, Thomas Kean, a Republican, has described failures at every level of government, any of which could have altered the outcome. Kerrey, a Democrat and former U.S. senator, said, "My conclusion is that it could have been prevented. That was not my conclusion when I went on the commission."

Click here for the rest.

Well, I already thought that Bush knew. This commission, however, is making a pretty good argument that it was simply a case of utter incompetence. I wonder if we'll ever really know the truth.
