Monday, April 26, 2004

Nearly half of Texas
teachers want to quit, study finds

From the Houston Chronicle:

Nearly half of Texas teachers are considering leaving the profession, according to a study released Friday.

The 45 percent represents a record high in the survey, which has been conducted every two years since 1980. The top reasons given for considering leaving the profession were working conditions (41 percent) and compensation (25 percent).

The study, "Texas Teachers, Moonlighting, and Morale," also found that 35 percent of teachers are moonlighting an average of 10 hours a week in order to make ends meet, up from 26 percent who reported working a second job two years ago. The extra work brought in an average $4,705 a year.

Click here for more.

Here's another reason to quit teaching: it sucks. And it's destructive to America's youth and, therefore, America. As regular Real Art readers know, I think the public eduction system is so horrible, so indoctrinational, so authorty bound, so anti-learning, that it should be dismantled--there's no saving it. I'm taking the plunge here, myself, in just a few weeks; I'm quitting, too.

Think I'm crazy? Read my statement on the issue from last December, "PUBLIC EDUCATION DECONSTRUCTED." I think I do a good job of arguing my position.
