Sunday, June 13, 2004

TORTURE IN IRAQ: Sanchez let guards
freely use interrogation methods

From the Washington Post via the Houston Chronicle:

Lt. Gen. Ricardo S. Sanchez, the senior U.S. military officer in Iraq, borrowed heavily from a list of high-pressure interrogation tactics used at the U.S. detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and approved letting senior officials at a Baghdad jail use military dogs, temperature extremes, reversed sleep patterns, sensory deprivation, and diets of bread and water on detainees whenever they wished, according to newly obtained documents.

Click here for the rest.

Since the infamous White House torture memo, which proves that the Abu Ghraib scandal was most certainly not "a few bad apples," came to light, this revelation is no surprise. Of course General Sanchez gave his underlings orders to allow torture: the President essentially gave him permission to do it.
