Sunday, August 15, 2004

Study: Middle-class tax share grows

Well, duh. From the AP via the Houston Chronicle:

President Bush's tax cuts since 2001 have shifted more of the tax burden from the nation's rich to middle-class families, according to a study released Friday by the Congressional Budget Office.

The tax rate declined across all income levels — but more so in the top brackets, the report said.

Click here for the rest.

Slick W has spoken smoothly for years about giving Americans "tax relief," but this has always been a smoke screen for, as they say in Texas, "dancing with the ones that brung ya." In other words, Bush has never intended to do anything to help out the vast majority of the population. His entire administration has been concerned with paying off the rich and powerful elite, what he called "his base" in Michael Moore's film Farenheit 9/11. Indeed, the tax cuts that he actually has given to the middle class have simply been a few bones; having just spent six years as a teacher, firmly entrenched in the middle class, I haven't really been able to tell that much of a difference between what I was paying under Clinton, and what I've been paying under Bush. That is to say, there hasn't really been a difference, virtually no meaningful tax cut at all. The rich, however, and by that I mean the very rich, have been bathing in money like Monty Burns.

Go ahead: accuse me of waging class warfare; I freely admit it. The wealthy have been at war with everybody else for virtually the entire history of the country. It's time to shoot back. Time to eat the rich.
