Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Dare I?

Dare I link to mutant porn star Ron Jeremy's blog? There doesn't seem to be any nudity or anything like that, just clothed pictures of lots of women Jeremy says he's done scenes with, and candid shots of the Hedgehog himself. The problem is that the text, while very funny, is also not at all family friendly (okay, I admit that's never stopped me before, but porn is something I've kept Real Art away from, and this comes awfully close). Here's a brief, almost tasteful sample:

Did a scene with this young lady last week. Took her a while to open up so I could cram myself into her $$$, but she finally opened. At least she didn't $$$$ all over my $$$$ like it happened today. Oy!

I mean, this all could be a joke; what do I know? But it seems to be on the level, and it's pretty darned funny...

Okay, I'll do it. I'll link to Ron Jeremy's blog.

Courtesy of Dr. Menlo, click here for the Hedgehog's nasty, but non-porn, site. If you dare.

UPDATE: It seems that some nudity, quite disgusting even to me, managed to appear on Jeremy's blog after I linked to it. Really, this makes me think that it's not Jeremy at all, just some wacky online prankster, but it's still pretty funny, so I'm keeping up the link. But I must warn you, it's not for the faint of heart. Go there at your own risk. I'm warning you...
