Saturday, January 22, 2005

"Corporate Americans"

From AlterNet:

The Ownership Society represents a new form of distinctly right-wing economic populism. It turns the notion on its head; while liberals offer a populism that promises underserved groups that "We will stand with you against the heartless and powerful," the central theme of the Ownership Society is that we're all big capitalists just waiting to blossom — even the lowliest among us. If only we could get the yoke of taxes, asbestos litigation and regulations off our backs we would all be in a position to worry about losing a piece of our multi-million dollar estate to the "death tax." Forget about a semblance of economic justice, it's about giving you, the individual, the tools you need to beat your neighbor. And if you can't beat him, he'll beat you. It's a populism born in the Hobbesian belief that we all struggle alone in a world where life is nasty, brutish and short.

Click here for the rest.

Just in case you haven't heard, "The Ownership Society" is the umbrella moniker for Bush's collection of economic shivs-through-the-ribs disguised as reform. The basic underlying philosophy, if you want to call something so retarded a "philosophy," is that everybody can be successful as a capitalist, everybody can acheive the "American Dream" if they only decide to play the game. What's amazing is that a lot of people actually buy into this crap: the great irony of "The Ownership Society" is that capitalism absolutely depends on enormous segments of the population not succeeding as businessmen. Without a vast pool of cheap labor, millions and millions of people who are desperate enough to rent themselves out on a daily basis as literal wage slaves, capitalism crashes and burns. "The Ownership Society" stands in absolute contradiction to the most rudimentary principles of "free market" economics; it simply cannot exist in the "free market" economy that Bush loves so greatly. Therefore, he's lying, and he knows it. In reality, "The Ownership Society" is a ruse intended to ram Draconian, 19th century styled social Darwinism down the throats of Joe Sixpack and Soccer Mom. Average Americans who believe this lie thinking that their lot in life is going to improve are sadly deluded. "The Ownership Society" is about owning a whole lot less.
