Friday, July 22, 2005

The Plame Floodgates Open

the Daily Kos:

It's only been a few days since the Supreme Court nominee was hurriedly announced in an attempt to get Karl Rove off the front pages. Since then, all hell has broken loose.

Bloomberg is reporting that Rove and Libby both gave testimony to the grand jury that flatly conflicts with the testimony given by those they said they talked to.

We now know that the Top Secret memo most consistent with the talking points that Rove and Libby told reporters was seen in the hands of Press Secretary Ari Fleischer in the days before the leak occurred. And that Fleischer told the grand jury he never saw it.


This is, to use the most calm and soothing phrase possible in such circumstances, extremely f---ing bad for the administration. It shows the broad outlines not just of multiple perjury charges, but indeed of linked conspiracy charges against a number of administration officials.

here for the rest.

This scandal that has plodded along at a snail's pace for two years is suddenly moving at light speed. Only a couple of weeks ago this thing was all about Rove. "Bush's Brain" is still in the middle of the maelstrom, but the storm has very quickly encompassed several other highly placed White House officials, both current and former. A week ago I made this speculation: "I wonder if Fitzgerald inadvertantly pulled some of the threads that keep this whole tapestry of mendacity together." I was engaging in wishful thinking about the entire bag of WMD lies cobbled together by the Bush administration in order to justify the Iraq war; it is increasingly looking like I made a good guess. Still, I'm not going to hold my breath. BushCo has gotten away with murder, again and again, and I have no reason to believe that's not going to be the case here, and there is historical precedent for Republicans in the midst of major scandal getting off scot-free--the Iran-Contra affair back during the waning years of the Reagan administration should have resulted in our President's father being imprisoned, but did not. Nonetheless, I'm crossing my fingers.
