Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Here's only part of what's on the line; from Democracy Now, former
NARAL leader Kate Michelman talks about her own abortion story during the days before Roe v Wade:

But I was told by a doctor that I could apply to a hospital for a therapeutic abortion. But to get this therapeutic abortion, I had to be rendered unfit. I had to be medically designated as needing an abortion in order to get this hospital abortion. I went through a hospital board review, a panel of four men, two different interrogations that probed the most intimate details of my life. It was humiliating and degrading. They finally granted me permission to have this therapeutic abortion. And just as I was about to have the procedure, almost, I was told that they had forgotten one more legal requirement, and that was that I needed the permission of my husband.

I was -- I said, “You can't be serious. My husband has left us. I don't even know where he is.” And they said, “That is the law. You need the permission or we cannot do the procedure.” I had to leave the hospital and find my husband, who did give me his written permission, but it was a further humiliation and degradation. And so, when Judge Alito, in his opinion in the Casey decision in 1991, you know, wrote that the state requiring women to notify their husbands imposes no burden, no undue burden on women, and what does it matter anyway, because most women do involve their husbands voluntarily, so it would only be a few women who would be affected, I found that, obviously, personally and deeply disturbing, but outraged over his, again, lack of understanding about how these laws impact on the dignity and the self-respect of women and on our rights and our freedoms.

here to read, watch, or listen to the rest.

Alito is on record, again and again, as being opposed to abortion rights, not to mention a host of other civil rights, like, oh say, the right not to be wiretapped without a warrant. His assertion during nomination hearings earlier today that he firmly supports the concept of stare decicis is not at all compelling: he's also said that his anti-abortion statements in the past were lies on job applications. Well, he's essentially applying for the biggest job of his life now; why on earth should anyone believe that he's not lying today? The more you look at this guy, the worse he gets. He's also big on allowing corporations to pollute the environment, to save money by disregarding safety regulations for workers, and to pay sub-minimum wages. He's straight-up evil. If the Democrats in the Senate don't have the balls to filibuster this guy if that's what it comes to, then they're totally worthless, and so is the entire party.

They'd better do the right thing.
