Thursday, March 23, 2006

Can't We All Just Get Along?

The always wise Rob Salkowitz over at Emphasis Added has found something good about the snake oil and bullshit "religion" known more popularly as Scientology:

That's why I'd like to take this moment to publicly thank the Church of Scientology for providing us with some common ground.

Liberals distrust Scientology because it's a weird authoritarian cult. Conservatives distrust Scientology because it's a weird authoritarian cult that isn't Christian. Conservatives are suspicious of anything embraced openly by Hollywood celebrities. Liberals are concerned about anything that has driven more than a few Hollywood celebrities visibly insane.

Click here for the rest.

And that's the only good thing I've ever heard about Scientology: they're so darkly screwy that opposing them creates common ground between conservatives and liberals. But then, what else can one say about a group that bases most of its teachings around the use of the pseudo-scientific device known as an e-meter? Just so you know, an e-meter is essentially a polygraph hooked up to a biofeedback machine, the kind of thing ten year old boys used to make out in the garage with spare radio parts. I'm personally much more comfortable with snake handling or speaking in tongues. The Scientologist rank and file are just plain nuts; the Scientologist elite are con artists, ripping off these poor souls for as much as they can take. They make Fred Phelps look good. Fuck 'em.
