Sunday, March 12, 2006

Woman Claims She Was Fired for Bumpersticker

From the Progressive:

She and her boss were speaking in a parking lot when her boss noticed the bumpersticker.

“Isn’t that the Al Franken leftwing talkshow?”

Laroca says she thought maybe this was a trick question so she hesitated and then said yes.

“Don’t you know our country is on high alert?” her boss responded, according to Laroca. “For all I know you could be Al Qaeda. You’re fired.”

Schultz asked Laroca what she did next.

“I picked up my jaw and drove home,” Laroca said.

Click here for the rest.

My acting teacher, who is liberal and very interested in politics, made a poignant observation last week: after everything, Iraq, multiple scandals, Katrina, you name it, there are still around forty percent of the country who continue to support Bush. I corrected his 40% figure with the number I like better, CBS's 34%, but he still made an incredible point. To many Americans, reality is what they choose to believe it is, and Bush is their leader no matter what happens. That's really not so surprising. To this day there are Nixon supporters who believe he got a raw deal; some still even believe that Vietnam was a good war, and that we were hounded out, not by the VC and NVA, but by hippies at home. It sounds like the fellow above is one of those types. He's still stuck in post 9/11 hysteria and hyper-patriotism--he supports his President no matter what happens, supports him to the point that vital democratic concepts such as free speech and dissent are overruled. Yeah, it's amazing. How the hell do we get through to these people?
