Sunday, October 22, 2006

I Won't Support Hillary Just Because She's a Woman

From AlterNet:

I don't think it's the height of feminism to have a woman president. I think it's the height of feminism to be able to look at presidential candidates as people who will or will not meet our needs and serve our interests. Regardless of whether those candidates are men or women, black or white, Hispanic or Asian.

And looking solely at Mrs. Clinton's political credentials, she's not the candidate for me.

She's too centrist. I'm a bleeding-heart, borderline-socialist, anti-war liberal who believes corporate wealth is the source of most of the country's problems. Hillary never met a credit card company lobbyist she didn't like, she won't push for legalization of equal rights to marriage for all, she concentrates her attention on a culture of sex and violence in the media instead of on the culture of corruption and violence in Washington today.

She represents a Democratic ideology of the past. The 1990s were fun. I was in college then, and I enjoyed the tech boom that had people fighting for my job skills when I graduated. I loved that period of my life. But it's over, and so is the political climate that made her and her husband's bipartisan compromising palatable to most Americans.

Click here for the rest.

"Centrist?" Uh, try "conservative" instead. Not conservative like the near-fascists who make up today's GOP leadership, but old school conservative, like Nixon or Goldwater. I, too, had great affection for Hillary back in the 90s, back when I just assumed that Rush Limbaugh was right about her lesbian-loving, spell-casting ways. I even wrote a cute little song praising her. I figured that she was liberal and that her association with the pro-corporate DLC was simply due to political expedience. But her antics in the Senate have really made me reevaluate that point of view. She votes and talks like a corporation lover, and her support for the war, which everybody thinks is about shoring up her security credentials for her inevitable presidential run, is, at this point, unconscionable. Today, I have no idea why anybody, let alone right-wingers, thinks she's liberal.

Well, fuck her. Her chameleon-like politics sicken me. And her "liberal" smugness gives me gas. For my own reasons, I now join with millions of conservatives by declaring that Hillary's just a big bitch. There's no fucking way I'm voting for her for dog catcher, let alone president.
