Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Mood music here.

Well, I've been doing this for exactly four years now. What with the show I'm in, the election, and busy life in general, I'd almost forgotten. But it's a good thing I remembered because there's some synchronicity going on.

Here, check out what I wrote for my first post:

You know, I wonder how it felt in 1930's Germany when the Nazis came to power. The House is Republican; the Senate is Republican; the White House is Republican; the majority on the Supreme Court is Republican. Maybe if we're all lucky this is the deathknell of the Democrats leaving the way open for a true people's party like the Greens or something. But I'm not feeling too lucky right about now...I don't even feel like the trains are going to end up running on time.

I wrote that two days after the last mid-term election, when the Republicans took back the Senate, solidified their hold on the House, and locked in the corrupt and inept Republican rule we've been enduring for the entire four years I've been blogging. It's nice to have been right about being afraid. We haven't gone fascist just yet, but our civil liberties have, indeed, been heavily eroded, and the trains, metaphorically speaking of course, are most definitely not running on time. In short, the Republicans have run the country into the ground, as I and many other bloggers have been documenting for years now.

On the other hand, the Dems seem revitalized, if only because everybody's so disgusted by the GOP--no third party push tonight, unfortunately. But getting rid of Republican rule, which may very well happen, is quite a good thing. It's been a long four years. And the Dems may, indeed, become revitalized, for real, for various reasons as this AlterNet essay explains.

So I started blogging out of political depression, but tonight, as I celebrate four years in the blogosphere, I'm hopeful. Things are looking good...

Happy birthday Real Art!!!
