Thursday, November 16, 2006

Parents want gay penguins book blocked

From the AP via the Houston Chronicle:

SHILOH, Ill. — A picture book about two male penguins raising a baby penguin is getting a chilly reception among some parents in this village who worry about the book's availability to elementary students _ and the reluctance of administrators to restrict access to it.

The concerns are the latest involving "And Tango Makes Three," the illustrated children's book based on a true story of two male penguins _ Roy and Silo _ in New York City's Central Park Zoo who adopted a fertilized egg and raised the chick as their own.

Complaining about the book's homosexual undertones, some parents of Shiloh Elementary School students believe the book _ available to be checked out of the school's library in this 11,000-resident town 20 miles east of St. Louis _ tackles topics their young children aren't ready to handle.

Their request: Move the book to the library's regular shelves and restrict it to a section for mature issues, perhaps even requiring parental permission before their child can check it out.

Click here for the rest.

This is waaay beyond the stupidity of attacking SpongeBob and Tinki Winki. I mean this is really, really, really fucking stupid. Especially because these penguins aren't gay; they're just caring for a fertilized egg together. If this story doesn't prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the US has a major problem with gay anxiety, I don't know what will. Besides, if I grant that there are "homosexual undertones" to this book, I can't help but think, then, that it's got to be the perfect way for a child to first understand the idea of same-sex couples. I mean, what could be less threatening than penguins?

And why the fuck are so many people so afraid of their kids learning about homosexuals?

Man, there are so many nuts in this country.
