Monday, November 06, 2006


From AlterNet:

How to Stop the GOP'S
Deceptive Robocalls from
Depressing Election Turnout

In addition to the phony mailers to Latinos, calls directing voters to nonexistent polls, and a fresh batch of onerous voter ID laws (video, right), this year's "hanging chad" is the Robocall.

Robocalling itself is simple: a computer calls your home phone and delivers a pre-recorded message about a candidate. They're annoying, sure, but it's legal and, according to one political strategist, "they represent the freedom of speech that our country was founded on."

Perhaps, but Americans aren't up in arms about an annoyance, and this isn't about the First Amendment. People are angry, and demanding action, because the Republican Party appears to be using fraudulent and misleading calls to suppress the vote in at least 50 districts across the nation....

Click here for the rest.

And what's particularly evil about these "robocalls" is that they call you repeatedly and are worded to give the impression that they're coming from Democratic candidates. The object here is to piss people off so much that they won't vote for the targeted candidate. I have to admit that I love the term "robocall," but this is pretty serious business. When considering this latest gambit alongside numerous other Republican dirty election tricks, it now appears that the GOP, nationwide, has no level to which they will not stoop in order to win. This isn't simply hardcore politics: this is a massive attempt to undermine democracy itself.

And they've done it, successfully, before. Recently.

Strangely, the Democratic Party establishment, with a very few notable exceptions, doesn't seem to have any interest in raising the hell that this warrants. I don't know about you, but I strongly believe in democracy, and taking away, or trying to take away, people's votes is one of the most horrifying things I can imagine. It means we're not free; it means we're not really Americans, at least in the sense we were all taught in school.

This does indeed warrant some hell raising, and the fact that these robocalls appear to be funded by the Republican National Committee means that Republicans, all Republicans, are fair targets. Every single one of them needs to denounce this and demand an end to it. If not, a lot of screaming and yelling, like the psychotic liberals they imagine us to be, has got to happen.

I'm hunting for some right-wingers tomorrow...
