Monday, January 15, 2007


This really cracked me up. From the Hartford Courant columnist Dennis Horgan's blog, courtesy of Crooks and Liars:

Especially considering the dust their "news" channel kicked up during the Janet Jackson affair, and that this was no "live television oopsie daisy" -- it was tape playback of crowd reaction...

Click here for more text, pics, and video.

During the Saints game on Saturday, there was a quick moment when I blinked, squinted, and then rubbed my eyes: the screen flashed on a young bleach blond babe wearing a cropped black tee shirt that said in gold letters, "FUCK DA EAGLES." I was like, did I just see what I thought I saw? Only during a telephone conversation later with someone who had also watched the game did I manage to confirm the live broadcast obscenity. And, now, thanks to our good friend the internet, I'm able to show you exactly what I saw:

I just love the technology of our era!

Anyway, I personally loved this. I mean, sure, it reeks of Howard Stern style faux rebellion and all, but this was authentic and real--the girl appears to have no idea that she made national television; I'm sure she found out later. I especially love this right now because of how the FCC has tightened up on indecency since the bogus outcry over Janet Jackson's nipple at the Superbowl a few years back. Backing down isn't the thing to do now. TV should go balls-to-the-walls in defiance. But was this really defiance? Horgan seems to think so, but at the time it looked to me like the director, who had final say over putting the shot on air, was just wanting to get a babe onscreen and didn't really read what her shirt said. That is, I think it was a screw up, and a pretty major one at that. But, hey, I'll take my rebellion where I can get it.

Hee hee. Fox is going to be in trouble.
