Monday, February 11, 2008


From the Minneapolis Star Tribune via the Houston Chronicle:

Nothing funny about Nader

His repeated sallies onto the campaign trail are not amusing, but merely laughable. Now apparently beginning his third run for the White House, Nader seems determined to keep hurting his natural allies until he has taught them a lesson of some sort. In the process he undermines the democratic process, even as he exploits it.

Click here for the rest.

This is the kind of bullshit I was railing on a week or so ago, the indignant outrage of liberal Democrats who believe that Nader and his supporters owe them their votes. And you know what really gets under my skin? The way these attacks never never ever have a damned thing to do with actual issues. They say Nader is vain or narcissistic. They say, as the above excerpted essay does, that he "undermines the democratic process," even though there isn't a damned thing in the Constitution about political parties, or how liberals must be Democrats, or conservatives must be Republicans. They say that votes for Nader are "wasted," or worse, how such votes "help the Republicans." But they never actually address his issues.

My bet is that they know they'd lose any, any, argument on issues. That's why they pull from Karl Rove's playbook and slime him: they don't have any real arguments.

There is some humor here, but it comes from these Demo-fascists rather than Nader. They all know what he's doing, and why: "...until he has taught them a lesson of some sort." They're well aware that he's using a classic third party and independent campaign strategy, pulling away voters until the establishment responds to their issues--it's worked numerous times in the past and it can still work now. And it pisses them off so much that they've started sounding like Republican froth-mouths. That's funny.

Well, like I said last week, seeing as how these anti-Naderites aren't willing to talk about issues, and instead resort to ad hominem attacks, there is only one reasonable response a Nader supporter such as myself can make to them: fuck you.

Given the absurdity of the discourse, I don't think that's out of line at all.
