Saturday, March 22, 2008


I hate Easter. Because it celebrates quite a bad thing. But I've been all through that before.

Nonetheless, the Christian world continues to celebrate this bad thing year after year, so I feel like, at the very least, I have to recognize in some way that everybody is celebrating an understanding of the universe that makes God out to be literally insane and all human beings worthy of eternal torment and punishment. Unless they've said the magic words known as "the prayer of salvation," or munched the right wafers, or wet their heads with tap water. Whatever your choice is. It's all crazy and bad.

Anyway, here's some yummy chocolate.

Here's the lecture text by philosopher Bertrand Russell that solidified my anti-Easter sentiment, "Why I Am Not a Christian."

Here's the South Park episode "Fantastic Easter Special" from last year.

Here's a Monty Python tune from their movie Monty Python's Life of Brian:

Here's a fascinating documentary called The Muslim Jesus:


And finally, here's a mash-up video of weird cult leaders like Charles Manson, Jim Jones, and David Koresh, all set to the Doobies' song "Jesus Is Just Alright":

Remember, when you celebrate Easter, you're essentially celebrating the Christian God's psychotic wrath, and a hatefulness so strong that it insists all human beings are worthy of torture for eternity.

We might as well be wishing each other a Happy Holocaust.
