Monday, March 10, 2008


From dailybreeze courtesy of the Daily Kos:

"If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position," she continued. "And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept." Ferraro does not buy the notion of Obama as the great reconciler.

More here.


Racism is alive and well among liberals. Or at least stupidity is, but then I've never doubted that. It's one thing to criticize the media for its sexist attacks on Hillary, and there have been many, to be sure, but to suggest that Obama's blackness is the sole reason he's the front runner is straight up racist. I mean, okay, the fact that Obama is an African-American probably plays some role in people's minds while deciding to support him, but c'mon, the argument the former Democratic Vice Presidential nominee is making here sounds like Clarence Thomas' argument against affirmative action, that nobody takes black people seriously in the professional world because of the perception that they only got there because they're black.

What about the way that people totally dig his "yes we can" vibe? What about his short, but long enough by historical standards, successful political career? What about his progressive voting record? What about his status as a Washington outsider? What about his Harvard law degree? What about the fact that he's worked his ass off to get this close to the nomination? And on and on.

As Real Art readers know, I've got problems with Obama, but he's definitely a qualified candidate for president, and his race and ethnicity have very little to do with those qualifications. Obama is where he is right now because he earned it. People love him because of the individual that he is, not because of some "aw shucks, let's give it to the black guy this time" point of view that's supposedly taken over Democrat hearts and minds throughout the nation.

Why didn't Jesse Jackson's blackness take him into the Oval Office back in 1988? How is it that Alan Keyes, also a black man, has been something of a joke every time he's run for the GOP nomination?

Like I said, it would be an interesting exercise to ponder how Obama's blackness affects voters' choices, but Ferraro's assertion is over the top. That is, it's racist to suggest that his political success is due to some kind of sympathy vote. What the fuck is it with all these stupid fucking Democrats shooting off their stupid fucking mouths?

Voting for Nader this November is going to feel good.
