Friday, July 04, 2008


I try to watch the Star Trek episode "The Omega Glory" every Fourth of July. Why? Because it showcases this grandly patriotic Captain Kirk moment:

Of course it's ironic that Canadian William Shatner is able to so convincingly do justice to the Preamble, but then, on the other hand, I suppose it's not so strange that foreigners would understand American freedoms better than actual US citizens, tribal, violently nationalistic, and ill-educated as we are.

At any rate, I imagine Paramount has issues with allowing entire Star Trek episodes to be uploaded to YouTube, so you'll have to seek out the rest of "The Omega Glory" elsewhere, but for some strange reason, their intellectual copyright paranoia doesn't seem to extend to animated Star Trek, which I watched as a five year old during its original run back in 1973--being so young, I saw virtually no difference between the live-action adventures and the cartoon, which made the Star Trek universe all the more cool.

Here's a good one, "The Slaver Weapon," penned by science fiction great Larry Niven, set in his fabulous Known Space universe. It's in three parts, each one approximately eight minutes long.

Happy Independence Day!
