Saturday, August 30, 2008


From the AP via the Houston Chronicle:

New Orleanians flee as Gustav intensifies to Category 5

Many residents weren't waiting for a formal evacuation call. Cars packed with clothes, boxes and pet carriers drove north among heavy traffic on Interstate 55, a major route out of the city. Gas stations around the city hummed. And nursing homes and hospitals began sending patients farther inland.

There were other signs of people racheting up their plans to leave. ATMs were running out of cash. Long lines were sprouting up at gas stations as motorists filled up their cars. Cases of bottled water were selling briskly at convenience stores.

Police and firefighters were set to go street-to-street with bullhorns over the weekend to help direct people where to go. Unlike Hurricane Katrina, there will be no shelter of last resort in the Superdome. The doors there will be locked.

Those among New Orleans' estimated 310,000 to 340,000 residents who ignore orders to leave accept "all responsibility for themselves and their loved ones," the city's emergency preparedness director, Jerry Sneed, has warned.

More here.

Yeah, so I've been here for a year and I'm finally getting that welcome wagon I've been wondering about. This is a ritual for NOLA, and I guess the fact that I'm leaving soon means that my residency is official. Hopefully, nothing bad will happen while I'm gone. The tough thing, though, will be going to Atlanta with my two and my ex Becky's three cats in the back seat. That'll be fun. And by "fun" I mean "not fun."

Yeah, that's right, Atlanta, to shelter with our old pal Jim--Matt, I'll try to email as soon as I get the chance; actually, if everything goes well, I hope not to be there long, but I'll try to say "hi" if I can.

So no posting for a few days. Roll the Real Art theme song. Fade lights. Close curtain.

Gustav nearing Cuba last night.
