Saturday, March 12, 2011


From Wikipedia:

Die Antwoord (Afrikaans: "The Answer") is a rap-rave group from Cape Town, South Africa consisting of three members: Ninja, Yo-Landi Vi$$er and DJ Hi-Tek. The band self-identifies as a mélange of several diverse cultures.

The band toured Europe starting in April 2010 and the USA and Canada later that same year.


My buddy Doug has been turning me onto these people for the last few days. If you know me, or have followed my blog for a while, you might be thinking that "rap-rave" music isn't quite what I'm into, especially rave stuff, but the deal with Die Antwoord's hard to say.

Here, just check it out:

And the more you delve into their stuff, the weirder it gets. My take, and I'm probably right about this, even though, like professional wrestlers, Die Antwoord isn't really telling, is that these people are performance artists, walking a fine line between parody and tribute, and throwing in whatever other ideas may occur to them, as well. And it's not like they're just some avant garde music group, either: for Die Antwoord image is just as important as sound, revelling in a sort of euro-trash/white-trash aesthetic, bejewelled with bling-trappings of American hip-hop filtered through bizarre working class white South African culture.

I have to admit that I don't fully understand what they're about. On the other hand, that's most of the fun for me. I watch their videos with my jaw hanging and think to myself, "what the fuck is this shit?"

And the chick, Yo Landi Vi$$er, is hot--I also like how she uses dollar signs for spelling her name instead of the letter "s." Go check 'em out. I think you can download their first album for free.
