Wednesday, July 20, 2011


From Media Matters for America, courtesy of Eschaton:

Ted Nugent's History Of Inflammatory Rhetoric

In his latest Washington Times column, Ted Nugent suggested that the Democratic Party is a "modern-day slave master" to low-income Americans. This is just the latest in Nugent's long history of violent and inflammatory rhetoric that has often targeted President Obama and other Democrats, as well as gays, Muslims, and environmental activists.


Nugent further wrote that "[i]f the NBA had any true gay convictions, the NBA should host a Homosexual Night" during which "homosexuals could come down on the court, hold hands and prance around the court to music by the Village People. The NBA could then give each homosexual a pink basketball as a symbol of solidarity." [The Washington Times, 4/19/11]


In a March 21 Washington Times column, Nugent claimed America should not intervene in the "Dark Continent" of Africa because no country there "truly respects freedom or the rule of law." Nugent claimed, "Once we swat one of these African cockroaches or intervene in their civil war, where do we stop?"


In a January 13 Washington Times column, Nugent wrote that "[i]n the wake of violence perpetrated by a Tucson lunatic, liberals and others who should know better are calling for political rhetoric to be toned down." He later declared, "I say conservatives should turn up the rhetoric," and that "[o]nly softheaded, feel-good fantasizers from the cult of denial could believe that toning down the political rhetoric will somehow keep lunatics from doing loony things."

More here.

Like the loudmouthed drunken good old boy down at the local watering hole mouthing off on topics he is obviously unqualified to think about, let alone discuss, Ted Nugent is a stupid fucking moron who only merits attention because he was famous forty years ago for five minutes. The nicest thing I can say about him is that he is just about the best candidate I've ever seen for a frontal lobotomy. Which probably wouldn't reduce his IQ all that much, anyway.

Usually, because his entire purpose in life appears to be annoying civilized people, I just try to ignore the Nuge, which is difficult enough what with the way he runs his mouth nonstop. But from time to time, I do like to go on the record to state that Ted Nugent is an utter imbecile who should have either been aborted before he was born, or had his brains bashed out as an infant on rocks near the river by his embarrassed and disgraced parents. Actually, I prefer the latter option. Unfortunately, neither of those two scenarios came to pass, and so we instead have to endure the philosophy and witticisms of a guy who really should have ended up pumping gas for a living.

Oh well. Life isn't always pleasant.

Fuck you Ted Nugent. The idiot asshole jocks I put up with in middle and high school were smarter, classier, and more nuanced and sophisticated than you could ever even contemplate. I prefer dog shit smeared on my face to hearing your racist, homophobic, and xenophobic drivel, not to mention your utterly derivative arena rock vomit. And, oh yeah, "Cat Scratch Fever" is a blatant and uninspired ripoff of Deep Purple's "Smoke on the Water."

How could rock and roll go so wrong?
