Monday, January 02, 2012

Chris Hayes on the Iraq War Architects: Where Are They Now?

From Crooks and Liars:

On Chris' list, Condoleeza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Judith Miller, David Addington, Paul Wolfowitz, Cindy Sheehan, General Eric Shinseki, Ari Fleischer, Jessica Lynch, Ken Pollock, Scooter Libby, Doug Feith and Paul Bremer. Sadly as Chris noted here, no bad deed has gone unrewarded when it comes to this group, most of whom are now making a comfortable living at conservative think tanks and are sadly still allowed to come on television and are asked for their opinions.

I'm quite sure we'll never see a segment like this on Meet the Press since David Gregory wouldn't want any of them to fall off of his potential guest list.

Best line of the segment:

HAYES: Doug Feith, the Undersecretary of Defense, who General Tommy Franks once called "the f-ing stupidest guy on the face of the earth," is advising Rick Perry on foreign policy.

More here, with video.

Most of the people mentioned above, with some notable exceptions, Shinseki and Lynch, for instance, who were actually career-victims of the ideological pro-war juggernaut rather than supporters, would be in prison today if we lived in a just society. Instead, they roam free, reputations and careers relatively intact. Indeed, this is very much in keeping with the American cultural template for official oppression that I mentioned a couple of days ago writing about nostalgia for the old South: America only does the right thing, always, and if you remember it differently, you're not much of an American. Thus, our greatest official monsters never see justice.

People attribute this comment to Edmund Burke, although Wikiquote says it's disputable, but whoever said it, I think it's appropriate: "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

And that's what we've seen with the Bush administration's successors, good men doing nothing. Because Obama has refused, presumably for "political" reasons, to indict any of these criminals, evil has triumphed. That is, there is no punishment for the cadre of individuals who, more than anybody else, got us into a disastrous and illegal war which has killed tens of thousands, wasted billions of dollars, and left Iraq in a much worse condition than it was in before the invasion.

America has failed.
