Thursday, January 03, 2013

Christians Will Soon Be Treated Like Blacks In Jim Crow Era

From Think Progress courtesy of Daily Kos:

The American Family Association, a top conservative Christian organization, emailed members today with a dire warning that, within 50 years, Christians will be treated like African Americans during the Jim Crow era.

In an email entitled “What will religion look like in the year 2060?”, the AFA warned about the coming onslaught against Christians, who currently make up over three-quarters of Americans. The group’s predictions include that Christians will be brutally discriminated against like blacks in the Civil Rights Era, government will take children from parents at birth, and any city with “Saint” or other loosely-religious name will be forced to change.

More here.


Back when the AFA was called the National Federation for Decency, they managed to wage a successful agitprop campaign to get 7-11 to remove Playboy and Penthouse from their magazine racks.  Being a teenage boy at the time who liked to look at pictures of naked women, this move put the NFD on my radar, which is where they've been ever since.  As I've grown more politically literate over the years, I've found new and even better reasons to despise them.

And this move described in the excerpt above is a pretty good example of those reasons.  The first amendment, of course, makes these "predictions" pretty much impossible.  I mean, I suppose this kind of bullshit is possible, but the social changes needed in order to repeal what is likely the most foundational aspect of the Bill of Rights are virtually unthinkable.  That is, if these prophesies, in fact, do come to pass, we've got a whole hell of a lot more to worry about than religious freedom.  So it's a bunch of stupid fucking bullshit.

But the bunker-minded fundamentalist Christians at whom the AFA aims itself already have a paranoid streak about a mile wide.  And "predictions" such as these are downright irresponsible in that they drive these people into ever greater heights of terrified frenzy.  Remember the Unitarian church shooting?  Remember the countless abortion clinic bombings and shootings of abortion providers?  Careless psycho rhetoric has consequences.  It creates an atmosphere where it's easier for sympathetic audience members to go all the way.

I mean, sure, the AFA has the freedom of speech, and can say any crazy shit it wants.  But so do I.  It would be immoral for me to not condemn these hateful people as much as I possibly can.  Because that's what they are, hateful.  And they seek to erect an intellectual structure that justifies that hate, and which urges their followers to turn negative emotion into deadly physical reality.  Just as the radical clerics of the Middle East did in the decades leading up to 9/11.

What we're really talking about here is laying the groundwork for American Christian terrorism on a scale we've never seen before.  And it's been in the works for some time now.  I guess we'll see where this shit leads.
