Thursday, April 18, 2013

High Schooler Protests ‘Slut-Shaming’ Abstinence 
Assembly Despite Alleged Threats From Her Principal

From Think Progress:

A West Virginia high school student is filing an injunction against her principal, who she claims is threatening to punish her for speaking out against an factually inaccurate abstinence assembly at her school. Katelyn Campbell, who is the student body vice president at George Washington High School, alleges her principal threatened to call the college where she’s been accepted to report that she has “bad character.”

More here.

I do love the facebook era.  That's how I first learned about this story.  Apparently, community members who are defending the principal in question have set up a page to disseminate information.  The student posted a lengthy missive there defending her own actions against what appear to be attacks from a bunch of local conservatives who don't believe teenagers have opinions or brains or the freedom of speech or ought to have concern for their communities or the nation at large.  A buddy sent me the link, and I just had to weigh in:

Katelyn: You have no need to explain yourself. As a former high school teacher in Texas, I can correctly inform you that high school is by its very nature a political institution. You are necessarily, every day, from 9th through 12th grade, thrust into a situation that is automatically political, from compulsory attendance, to mandatory dress codes, to severe restrictions on creativity and thought, to informal, but no less authoritarian, mandates to conform to whatever passes for conventional wisdom. You are not only well within your rights to question this assembly, but also behaving more like a citizen ought to behave than anyone else who's involved with the controversy. Stick to your guns. You are apparently the only grownup associated with your school.

Beyond that, you ought to stop granting that abstinence is the only sure fire way to avoid pregnancy and STDs. Nobody is abstinent. Some 90% of all high school students have had sex by the time they graduate. Abstinence based sex "education" has never been anything but a fraud, Puritanical morality of The Scarlett Letter variety disguised as responsibility, an excuse to use government money and institutional power to force religious ideas on young captive citizens. That is, abstinence has nothing to do with sex education, and pretending that it does is a cultural sickness from which we must all recover after we have had it inflicted upon us. If we're lucky, that is.

The reason you're encountering so much resistance is because the power structure you are opposing is only geared to deal with fart jokes, short skirts, and cigarette smoking in the bathroom. They have no idea what to do when somebody is truly calling them out on their psychotic totalitarian BS. Personally, I'm thrilled by your struggle.