Saturday, June 21, 2003

Media Obsession with Presidential Sex

The long time AP White House reporter (who recently declared Bush to be the "worst President ever") is a columnist these days:

Why didn't you write about President Kennedy's love affairs?

I have been asked that question countless times in the years since JFK was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963. The question usually implies that reporters were covering up for a popular president.

As a White House wire service reporter back then, my response typically varied from saying that I had only heard rumors, to "dead men can't defend themselves."

In those days unless the personal activities affected the official responsibilities and duties of a public figure, such gossip was usually considered off limits by the mainstream press. It simply wasn't pursued.

But times have changed. Now, the lives of public officials and celebrities are an open book and considered fair game by the news media. The sanctity of personal privacy no longer exists. Everyone is wired and on camera.

For more, click here.

Unless it's rape or wantonly spreading AIDS or something, Presidential sex is irrelevant. Period. But try telling that to a nation who's head is in a fog of sexual extremism from both exploitative capitalists and Puritanical fundamentalists. It's maddening...
