Sunday, August 17, 2003


Here is a memo I found in my box on Friday:

RE: Pledge of Allegiance

Attached are the words to the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States flag and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas state flag. Please post the yellow flyer in your room. Be sure that your students know the words and the procedure for showing appropriate respect.

If you have a student in your class who objects to saying the pledge, please acknowledge their concerns and write a pass for them to see their Grade Level Principal. If a parent objects to their child saying the pledge, please also refer them to the Grade Level Principal.

If you do not have a United States flag in your classroom, please let me know.


In other words, be patriotic...OR ELSE! This whole compelled pledge thing really stinks: we will force you to love freedom. Doesn't anybody get the irony?

I really hate my job.
