Thursday, August 21, 2003

Police cover Eve's breasts in North Texas mural

From the AP via the Houston Chronicle:

A mural of a nude Eve is at the center of a controversy in this North Texas town, where the work's owner has answered police complaints by draping a bright yellow strip of canvas with the words "crime scene" across Eve's bare breasts.

Wes Miller avoided being charged with distributing "harmful material" but has vowed that the fight is not over to keep the work intact.

Next to the mock crime scene tape was a black banner saying: "Temporarily censored."

"We decided that an arrest, knowing how this town works, would not do us as good as the threat of arrest we're currently under," Miller said.

Click here.

Well, at least the artist has a good sense of humor about it all. I'm reminded of US Attorney General John Ashcroft's squeamishness about the bare-breasted statue in a Justice Department building that he had covered. These people are seemingly unable to tell the difference between pornography and art--I think I understand (but disagree with) the condemnation of the NEA's funding of Robert Mapplethorpe's art some years ago, but this Eve business is just plain crazy. They're sick! Sick, I tell you!
