Monday, December 22, 2003


The latest Paul Krugman essay:

Important to tell this part of history correctly

But even if all that happens, we should be deeply disturbed by the history of this war. For its message seems to be that as long as you wave the flag convincingly enough, it doesn't matter whether you tell the truth.

By now, we've become accustomed to the fact that the absence of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction -- the principal public rationale for the war -- hasn't become a big political liability for the administration. That's bad enough. Even more startling is the news from one of this past week's polls: Despite the complete absence of evidence, 53 percent of Americans believe that Saddam had something to do with 9/11, up from 43 percent before his capture. The administration's long campaign of guilt by innuendo, it seems, is still working.

The war's more idealistic supporters do, I think, feel queasy about all this. That's why they lay so much stress on their hopes for democracy in Iraq. They're not just looking for a happy ending; they're looking for moral redemption for a war fought on false pretenses.

As a practical matter, I suspect that they'll be disappointed.

Click here for the rest.

Thanks to my buddy, Kevin, for the link.
