Sunday, February 29, 2004


Ha ha ha! It looks like fundamentalists are starting to figure out that many of them are oink-oinks. From the AP via the Houston Chronicle:

In the Bible Belt, fried-chicken fellowships and potbellied pastors are as much a part of the culture as NASCAR races and sentences that start with "Y'all." Churches traditionally have not worried much about waistlines.

As Autumn Marshall, a nutritionist at Church of Christ-affiliated Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tenn., explained, most evangelical Christians don't drink, smoke, curse or commit adultery.

"So what do we do?" she said. "We eat."

Indeed they do. I remember back in my Baptist days how Sunday was a virtual pig-fest. We'd munch donuts at Sunday school. Then, after the worship service, we'd all head out to the Blackeyed Pea for chicken fried steaks with lard seasoned with salt and pepper on the side. Later, at youth choir practice, we'd have a "snack supper" of fatty sandwiches and chips. After the evening service, we would often have some sort of fellowship with still more eating.

Many fundamentalists gorge like this all week long.


Ferraro analyzed public records and surveys involving more than 3,600 people. Broken down by religious groups, Southern Baptists were heaviest, while Jews, Muslims and Buddhists were less likely to be overweight.

Emphasis mine. Still more:

He cited denominational statistics that showed 75 percent of Baptist pastors eat fried foods at least four nights a week and 40 percent snack two or more times a day on cookies, chips or candy.

Click here for more.

So, don't drink, smoke, or have wild, promiscuous sex, but do pig out on as much trash food as possible--this is yet another manifestation of fundamentalism's rank hypocricy. At least there's a movement to straighten this out.

Oh yeah, here's something for giggles:

Pastor John Hagee of Cornerstone
Baptist Church in San Antonio

Ha ha! That suit looks a bit small if you ask me! And is he about to eat that microphone or what?
