Saturday, July 03, 2004


While in Baton Rouge, I didn't really do much. Okay, we found a nice little house built in the late 1940s, originally as faculty housing, that doesn't seem to be in a beer-drenched, party-hardy, wild, frat-boy, date rape infested neighborhood. That's good. Other than that, we got rained on a lot, ate at a few restaurants, watched TV, and slept. Love them boudin balls...

Actually, there's a really cool seafood market a ways off from the LSU campus called Tony's. There's no in-house dining but they have a complete deli situation going: lots of kickass Cajun crawfish and whatnot, fried chicken, and, of course, boudin balls. If you're ever in Baton Rouge, you'd be missing out if you didn't go there.

Anyway, my laptop's interface is too weird, and I was enjoying the lazy, laid back aspect of Louisiana so I didn't do any blogging. Not that I even knew what was going on in the world--I stayed away from the news while I was there, and I'm happy (or sad) to report that everything still seems about the same without my scathing Real Art critiques on whatever I feel like critiquing. So I get home and learn that my computer won't restart, seemingly some sort of power of fuse issue. (Anybody got any suggestions? I'd hate to have to take my box in, but it's looking like that's the case.) Damn, these computers are worse than television; I've been feeling nervous without my eye on the world. So now, irony of ironies, I have no choice but to use my trusty laptop to commune with cyberspace. Fortunately, my old buddy Kevin had already configured the thing to plug into our home network, and I got it up and running on broadband without much of a problem. But the interface is still pretty weird, and it's annoyingly slower than my poor, sick superbox (sometimes called "GoatMage 2000").

Then I found out that one of my former students, a good friend actually, was in a car wreck and hurt pretty badly (okay, this is much more than a simple annoyance, but definitely in the big drag category). She's not in a coma or anything, but I still need to talk to her to find out how she's doing.

And Marlon Brando died. And we need to exterminate the damned roaches. And I still can't seem to get to bed any earlier than 7 in the morning.

What else? I have a headache.
