Sunday, October 03, 2004

Guest Blogger Miles

The bad news: one of these douchebags is our next president

One of the perks of being in a Government AP class is that I now get extra credit for things I'd be doing anyway. My extra credit this week was, as you may have guessed, to watch the debate. As painful as it is sometimes to watch politicans wax poetic about the greatness of this country, I'll never pass up an opportunity watch Bush squirm. As expected, his body language, tone, and thought processes resembled more of a sixth grade student forced to read a book report he didn't do, as opposed to the leader of the free world defending his job security. Even more discouraging for Bush than his presentation was the content. One quip by the Chimp in Chief made me put down my pencil and just wonder if he really meant what he said. Kerry was talking about how unsafe our ports are, and how he plans to beef up security along the coastline, particularly Florida's (not suprised; it's the site of the venue and a key battleground state). Then, from Bush, this:
I don't think we want to get to how he's going to pay for all these promises.

It was at this point that I realized Bush really didn't care if the public knew his tax cuts were BS. He's expecting taxpayers to value the average of ten or so bucks a week over real Homeland Security. In my opinion, that quote alone is enough to sink him in both the foreign and domestic policy debates. Those damn tax-and-spend liberals... when will they learn? Of course, the media failed to take note of such a massive slip, and focused primarily on body language (because we all know that's so much more important than what they're thinking). In any case, even the media had to concede that Bush's position was an abject failure, and that Kerry clearly won.

Posted by Miles.

As for me, I didn't really watch, but I did peek a bit here and there, and the moment when Bush had the balls, after all the information that's come to light, to claim that Iraq attacked us on 9/11 was my favorite outrageous remark. Good thing Kerry jumped on it.
