Wednesday, June 01, 2005

It's Time to Get Serious About Impeaching Bush

From CounterPunch:

Five months into 2005, the movement to impeach Bush is very small. And three enormous factors weigh against it: 1) Republicans control Congress. 2) Most congressional Democrats are routinely gutless. 3) Big media outlets shun the idea that the president might really be a war criminal.

For now, we can't end the GOP's majority. But we could proceed to light a fire under congressional Democrats. And during the next several weeks, it's possible to have major impacts on news media by launching a massive educational and "agitational" campaign -- spotlighting the newly leaked Downing Street Memo and explaining why its significance must be pursued as a grave constitutional issue.

The leak of the memo weeks ago, providing minutes from a high-level meeting that Prime Minister Tony Blair held with aides in July 2002, may be the strongest evidence yet that Bush is guilty of an impeachable offense.

Click here for the rest.

Really, if Bush were held to the same standard to which his predecessor was held, he'd already be out of office, and maybe even behind bars. The theft of the 2000 election in Florida, which is an indisputable fact at this point, easily qualifies the President for an impeachment trial. Of course, things got much worse after that, with Bush lying to Congress, which is a Federal crime, about Iraq's WMD, and leading the nation into a war of aggression, which was considered by the military court at the Nuremburg trials after WWII to be the greatest of war crimes--quite a few Nazis went to the gallows over that one. So, am I saying that the current administration deserves to be hanged? Well, I don't believe in the death penalty at all. But if I did...

Here, go check this site out.
