Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Bush's Job Approval Hits New Low

From CBS News courtesy of

Tempers cooled a bit in Washington today after the partisan meltdown that brought Senate business to a halt Tuesday.

Even so, neither Congress nor the White House will find much in a new CBS News poll to put them in a better humor. President Bush's job approval has reached the lowest level yet. Only 35 percent approve of the job he's doing.

Congress is rated even lower. Only 34 percent approve of its work.

Vice President Cheney has never been as popular as the president, but his favorable rating is down nine points this year to just 19 percent.

here for the rest.

To the best of my knowledge, 35 is also the same percentage of the population that self-identifies as conservative: it's pretty obvious that the President now only has the support of the die hards. In other words, the hallucinogenic Kool Aid most Americans have been drinking since 9/11 has totally lost its punch. Clearly, the Senate lock-down yesterday happened because the Democrats are well aware of that fact. But will they be brave enough to keep fighting when the GOP launches its inevitable counteroffensive? History says "no," but anything could happen.

Hee hee.
