Monday, January 23, 2006


From POVonline courtesy of my buddy Mike over at this is not a compliment:

National Gorilla Suit Day, which mysteriously falls on January 31 of each year, is perhaps the important holiday of the year. Every National Gorilla Suit Day, people of all shapes and colors around the world get their gorilla suits out of the closet, put them on and go door-to-door.

That's really all there is to it. You don't have to buy gifts. You don't have to fast, although some Orthodox Gorilla Suiters do. If you want to have a parade, fine. Just make sure all the marchers are wearing gorilla suits and that all the balloons are giant, inflatable gorillas.

Click here for the rest.

People who really know me know that I totally dig gorilla suits. Actually, I'm into pretty much all kinds of animal suits, especially gigantic chickens. But the gorilla suit is my favorite. Indeed, I was totally tickled back when Becky and I were married in 2001 by our old pal Jim showing up to be the maid of a gorilla suit!!! We had the best wedding. Also, I must observe, the Real Art theme song, "Solfeggio," comes from the old Ernie Kovacs TV show where it was performed by the Nairobi Trio, three guys in gorilla suits.

Yep, I just love gorilla suits. I really need to get one someday.

By the way, if you're into this sort of thing, POVonline, the site with the skinny on National Gorilla Suit Day, belongs to a non-superstar comic book writer named Mark Evanier: he had a pretty good run on a mid 80s incarnation of Jack Kirby's New Gods that I really enjoyed back in the day; the site's packed with all kinds of comic info and general geek stuff, well worth checking out. If you're into that sort of thing.

One final note, according to the article, NGSD was the brainchild of my favorite Mad Magazine artist, Don Martin.
