Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Bush approval rating nearing Nixon's levels

From Knight-Ridder via the Houston Chronicle:

President Bush's job-approval rating fell to an all-time low — 34 percent — in a poll published Tuesday. That puts him not far above Richard Nixon's Watergate-era nadir and raises questions about how effectively he can govern in his remaining years in office.

Click here for the rest.


You just gotta love that headline, pairing together Bush with Nixon. That's what we need more of in the press, tying those two names together. Of course, Bush's level of criminality puts Nixon's to shame--tricky Dick never even imagined trying to do much of what Bush has already gotten away with.

You know, it's kind of lame: much of the mainstream reporting that I've encountered puts Bush's abysmal ratings into a second term context. That is, the news narrative is along the lines of "Presidents always stumble during their second terms." That may be true and all, but I think Bush is something of a special case. He sucked just as much in his first term; it's simply take a few years for people to figure that out. What's actually happening here is not some kind of traditional "sophomore slump;" rather, it's about his horrendous policies over the years coming home to roost.

'Bout time.
