Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Really, really, really fucking stupid.

From Media Matters for America courtesy of Crooks and Liars:

Teasing a segment on the "gesture everyone seems to interpret differently," Fox News' E.D. Hill said: "A fist bump? A pound? A terrorist fist jab? ... We'll show you some interesting body communication and find out what it really says." In the ensuing discussion with a "body language expert," Hill referred to the "Michelle and Barack Obama fist bump or fist pound," but at no point did she explain her earlier reference to "a terrorist fist jab."

Click here to watch the segment or read the transcript.

Here's what Hill was referring to:

They were simply touching fists. You know, a little dap, as they used to say back in the day. I mean, there's absolutely nothing cool about me these days, but one as lame as myself understands such a commonplace street gesture of solidarity. But not FOX. And leave it to the Bozo propagandists of the far right to speculate absurdly that the Obamas' little moment might have sinister implications. Terrorist fist jab? WTF? Terrorist fist jab? What the fuck is a terrorist fist jab?

Obviously, FOX was only pretending to not know what the Senator from Illinois was doing here with his wife in order to play up Rupert Murdoch's trademark misleading sensationalism, which is all the more insulting. Racist, too, if you're going to take FOX at its word that a little dap, which is very clearly "a Black thing," might be something related to terrorism.

S-T-U-P-I-D. And offensive, too.

And none of this even gets into how lame it is that FOX has taken to using experts for analyzing politicians' body language. Don't get me wrong: body language is interesting, but it is no substitute for issues. Indeed, all this "analysis" does is add another infuriating layer to the corporate media's insane emphasis on personality over policy. It's like reading People or watching Entertainment Tonight and expecting to walk away as a well informed voter and citizen.

These trying times.
