Thursday, July 03, 2008


I was very much considering running an interesting documentary I found called Anarchism in America, but my pal Michelle out in Lafayette strongly suggested that I do some Superman this week, so I'm obliging her. Not that my arm had to be twisted: I'm a Superman fan from early childhood, so this is all fun for me.

But you ought to enjoy it, too. The first one I'm embedding is from the 40s, done by famed pioneer animator Max Fleischer--it's fabulous, especially all the Art Deco design sensibility. The second is from the 90s, I think, and it features the only super hero I adore more than Krypton's last son, the Flash. The story, a race between the two costumed crime fighters, is one that has been recycled again and again in the comics since the 60s. It's always fun when these two go at it. Finally, and speaking of the 60s, I'm linking to, because embedding has been disabled, a Superman cartoon from 1967, featuring the Parasite, a greatly underrated villain.


You can watch "The Pernicious Parasite" here.

Great Krypton!
